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dissipative system meaning in Hindi

dissipative system sentence in Hindi

क्षयिक पद
dissipative    ऊर्जा संरक्षी
system    सिस्टम क्रम डौल
1.I think it is also used in the description of dissipative systems.

2."All biological systems which give patterns are dissipative systems, " he said.

3.The "'Lindblad superoperator "'is often used to express the quantum master equation for a dissipative system.

4.Dissipative systems can also be used as a tool to study economic systems and complex systems.

5.Is not a conservation equation but the general kind of balance equation describing a dissipative system.

6.Both center and boundary are complex dissipative systems.

7.Dissipative systems are still an active field of research in systems and control, due to their important applications.

8.This form is specifically useful in a dissipative system, in which the systems and surroundings must be modeled together.

9.Research interests : the physics of superconductivity meterially; stochastic diffusion processes in dissipative systems, dynamic exchange interactions in condensed matter.

10.If we have a dissipative system that obeys Newton's Laws, the rules governing the system are time-invariant but energy isn't conserved.

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How to say dissipative system in Hindi and what is the meaning of dissipative system in Hindi? dissipative system Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.